The Sort dialog allows you to set options for sorting the records
in your datafile.
The options available on the Sort dialog are:
Sort Order
Sorts records in alphabetical order, A-Z and 1-9.
Sort records in reverse alphabetic order, Z-A and 9-1.
Sort Type
Bibliographic (Author, Year, Title)
This setting re-orders the records in your datafile based on the contents of the Author field, the Year
field, and the primary title field for the type of work. For instance: in records for Journal articles, the
Article / Essay ttl field is the primary title field; for Book records, the Book Title field is the primary title field.
Records will be sorted alphabetically, by author. Works by the same author are ordered by year of
publication. Works published in the same year will then be ordered by title. Unsigned works are
ordered by title, year.
Bibliographic (Author, Title, Year)
This setting re-orders the records in your datafile based on the contents of the Author field, the
primary Title field, and the Year field.
Records will be sorted alphabetically, by author. Works by the same author are ordered by
title. Works with the same title are then ordered by the year of publication.
Unsigned works are ordered by title, year.
Sort By Fields
This setting enables you to choose the fields Citation uses for re-ordering the records.
When you choose Sort by Fields, you will need to choose the fields you want to use for the sort.
Citation will use the contents of the 1st Field to re-order the records in the datafile.
Records containing the same text in the 1st Field will be ordered by the contents of the 2nd Field. Records containing the same text in both the 1st Field and the 2nd Field will be ordered by the contents of the 3rd Field, and so on.