Several publishing styles require that you include an indication in your list of references that there are entries by the same author or authors. This is not necessary with Citation, since the program takes care of such formatting details when the reference list or bibliography is generated.

When you are entering records in Citation for several works by the same author or author(s), enter the names in exactly the same manner as usual.

Note that the names of authors, editors, translators, and other contributors are always entered in full. Reverse the first and last names. Names of individuals should be entered in the order in which they appear on the title page; separate the names with a semi-colon.

Citation will include the underscoring or hyphens (when required by the publishing style selected) indicating that there are more than one book written by the same author(s) in your list of references.

Lentz, Warren. Three trees. New York: Preston Press, 2000.
---. Along the Amazon: A Photographic Journal. New York: Preston 
     Press, 1998. 

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