Citation’s publishing styles automatically assign print attributes for italicizing or underscoring text in your citations, when that is required by the guidelines for the publishing style you have selected. Book titles, for instance, are usually printed in italics.

Often, however, you will need to be able to change the attribute style of text within a field, for titles within titles, the names of species, or adding emphasis to terms in your annotations and excerpts.

The Attribute feature lets you add print attributes to text within a field.

To change print attributes for text within a field:

  1. Mark the text within the field.
  2. Choose Edit, Attribute. Citation will display the Attribute menu:

  3. Choose the attribute for the text. Citation will insert markers for the attribute you have selected (Citation does not display attributes for italics, superscript, underscoring, or bold in the edit screen. Text will be printed to a document, however, and displayed in the Preview box, with the attributes you have selected.)

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