The Custom format option on the Bibliography and Generate Citations dialogs lets you write information from your datafile in formats other than those provided as compiled Standard Publishing Style Formats.

Citation installs several custom format files you can use to print your records, or use as templates for writing your own custom format files. These files are located in your citation folder, in a subfolder called "CustomFormats". Citation custom format files have the extension *.cf.

To write a bibliography or reference list using a custom format

  1. Choose Generate, Bibliography from Datafile (or Generate, Citations for Document).
  2. Click on the Custom radio button.
  3. Click on the Browse button for the Publishing Style, and navigate to the folder with the cf file you want to use.
  4. Double click on the custom format you want to use.
  5. When the Bibliography dialog redisplays, set your preferences for generating the bibliography.
  6. Click OK to write the citations or bibliography with the custom format file.

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