As you are defining the structure of your argument, you will want to be able to review your notes and sources on issues you plan to cover.

There are several ways of using Citation to review the records for source works and notes in your datafile.

While you are planning the structure of your paper and considering possible outlines for an argument, it is often useful to browse through the sources you have consulted and the notes you've taken. You can use Citation to "thumb through" your records on screen during this portion of the writing process.

It is sometimes useful when you are thinking through the issues you want to address and refining the structure of your discussion to be able to write out notecards for all the notes you've taken. You can find a comfortable place, read through all your notes, and start your draft.

As you are writing your draft, you will find it useful to be able to write notecards for sources and notes dealing with the particular issues to be covered in a particular chapter of your dissertation or section of your essay.

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