Just as you need to save documents in your word processor, you will want to remember to save your Citation datafile.

To save a Citation datafile:

  1. Click File, Save. Citation will display the Save dialog.
  2. The first time you save your datafile, you will need to give it a name. For this tutorial, enter practice.dat as the name of the datafile, and click Save.
Learn how to back up your datafile.
You can back up your datafile by copying your datafile from c:\citation to a floppy disk, or a CD, or, if you an email account that lets you accept attached files, you can send your Citation datafile to yourself by email, and you will have a backup of the datafile on the internet.

Whichever method you prefer, make certain you backup your datafile regularly! To back up your datafile, you will need to close the datafile.

To close a Citation datafile and exit Citation:

  1. Click File, Close.
  2. Click File, Exit.

Return to the tutorial.
In preparation for the next exercise, restart Citation (if you need to refresh your memory, return to Exercise 1 for a moment). Once Citation is restarted, open practice.dat.

To opening an existing Citation datafile:

  1. Click File, Open.
  2. Navigate to the folder containing the datafile (in this case, it is c:\citation), and double click on the name of the datafile (in this case, the datafile is named practice.dat.
The blank record for a journal article, which we added to the datafile in the first exercise, will display as the first record.

If you are using Citation 8.2 or higher, you can assign your datafiles the *.cit extension.

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