CiteSource AP:PG: Citation automatically includes the Cite Key (in earlier versions this field was called the Access Phrase) from the bibliographic record for the source work. Replace the "PG" characters with specific page reference indicating exactly where the excerpt is printed in the source.

Enter as many keywords as you like; separate the terms with a semi-colon.

The comment should be your notes regarding the significance of the excerpt to your research project.

Excerpt: The excerpt should be a direct quote from the source work.

You can enter up to ten pages in your note records, but we recommend entering shorter comments and excerpts that will assist you in building arguments and that you can "tag" more effectively with keywords.

Enter passages that are taken directly from the source in the field labeled Excerpt. It is often helpful to make a few notes on the significance of the passage to your research; enter these in the Comments field.

You can copy text from your word processing documents, or web documents, and paste them into your note records. If you would rather not type the notes in the example, for instance, just mark the following text, press Ctrl-C to copy it, then click in the field and press Ctrl-V.

Visible Influence 008

Prendor & Allen 1973: 8

researcher influence; silence; informants

In many cases, researchers found informants reluctant to discuss rituals so well understood by the community that no one properly reared would ever need to inquire into the particulars.

Prendor points out that the "answers" a researcher receives often reveal more about the culture's attitudes toward strangers than they do about the culture itself.

Note ID (in previous versions, Access Phrase): The Access Phrase in your note record is a unique identifier for the note. It will allow you to include "Keys" in your documents and insert the excerpts into your papers automatically. Enter an abbreviation for the title of the source work, and add the page number on which the passage can be found. We recommend using "008" for "8", so that you will be able to sort the notes you have taken from a source work in order of their occurrence in the work.

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